Weekly Honorable Mention - The Anamorphoses - by Odeith - September 13 2019

ArtLuck SteemMe's "Weekly Honorable Mention" Brings you this weeks Artristry meltdown of amaizing talent brought to us by a valuable Street Artist!

"Odeith your 3d imagination is a masterpeice in itself" -UnitetheArts


Odeith Street Artist:

Odeith specializes in what is called "Anamorphic Graffiti" with perspective and shadow mysteries. He calls it "An Obscure 3D Sombrio”

See more of this well tunes Artist here:

Instagram: https://mobispirit.com/the-anamorphoses-of-the-street-artist-odeith/


Main Website: https://www.odeith.com/